About Senja (English)

Senja is located north of the arctic circle, at 69 degrees North. The municipality has almost 15 000 inhabitants.

Denne artikkelen er over 1 år gammel og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon.

Geography and nature

The largest settlements in Senja municipality, measured in population, are Finnsnes, Silsand, Gryllefjord, Torsken, Senjahopen, Gibostad and Husøy.

The municipal center, where the town hall is also located, is Finnsnes.

The municipality includes the island of Senja, which is Norway's second largest island.

In folklore, the island of Senja is often called "Norway in miniature" because of its varied, wild and beautiful landscape.

On the mainland, Senja municipality also includes the peninsula between Gisundet and Malangsfjorden. Our neighboring municipalities are Sørreisa and Målselv. 

Visit Senja

If you want to visit Senja and are looking for help planning your trip, see the website in the link below: 


If you on your trip to Senja also want to travel to other places in Northern Norway, see the page below for information: 
